
Below are testimonials for Gayle Nelson of Home Styles Decor of N. Vancouver

See what Gayle’s clients have to say:


“When looking to sell our home earlier this year, I decided to ask Gayle for tips and ideas on how to sell my house quickly, and get the price I was asking.

Upon hearing Gayle’s brilliant ideas, I realized I wanted more than her suggestions – I definitely wanted to hire her!

I know that by having Gayle stage my home I received the price I wanted in record time; my house sold within 1½ weeks!

When I moved into my new condo she had amazing decorating ideas and suggestions as well.

Gayle is a very organized person with a truly amazing talent. I couldn’t be more thrilled with the results.

If I decide to move from my current condo, I certainly know who to call!

Thank you Gayle!”

Barb Sidelman, North Vancouver


“I have to thank Gayle Nelson for the fantastic job she did in preparing my father’s house for it’s sale.  The 30 year old  house was in need of upgrades in the kitchen and bathrooms, but this was way out of our budget.

She was able to advise us on the use of paint to dramatically change the appearance of the house for the better.  She utilized much of the furniture that was there saving us a lot of money for rentals.

She also brought in articles like pictures, table decorations and other things that greatly enhanced the look of the house.  All these elements were tastefully brought together, making the house very marketable.

The house sold in a matter of days when real estate was not moving quickly at all.  Our real estate agent gave much of the credit to Gayle’s handiwork.

I would definitely recommend Gayle Nelson to anyone in need of such services.”

T. Rader, North Vancouver


More testimonials to be added soon.  Please check back again.

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