*DECORATING             *RESTYLING             * HOMESTAGING            


 DECORATING  We work with you to co-create the most beautiful haven to fit your lifestyle. Through a step by step process we help you discover your personal decorating style.

Whatever style(s) resonates for you on the inside…we want to help bring it forth. Professional advice on space planning, furniture selection, colour choices and lighting.

RESTYLING  –     Use Your Existing Furniture  Professional advice on how to create a whole new look and feel to any space simply by reworking the furniture layout.

Use your existing pieces and possibly repurpose item to or from other rooms.

HOME STAGING – Home Staging is the process of preparing your house for sale so that it sells as fast as possible and for the best price.




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What is Home Staging?

Home Staging is the process of preparing your house for sale so that it sells as fast as possible and for the best price.

Why Consider Staging your  Home?

Purchasing a home is probably the largest single investment we will make in our lifetime.

When preparing to sell our largest investment we want to make the most ROI (return on investment) possible.

Investing in Staging your home will help sell it faster for the highest price possible and the payoff you will see is ROSI…Return on Staging Investment.

Home Styles Decor of N. VancouverServices Offered by Home Styles Decor

Professional Home Stager, Gayle Nelson will do a thorough “walk-through” (with you) through  all the rooms in your home.

Consultation starts at $150. Includes a list of your “Home’s Top 10 Priorities”

She will give you specific suggestions on what you can do to prepare your house for best price results.

After you have had an “In-Home Staging Consultation” and have finished cleaning up, doing repairs and any painting needed to finish the transformation of your space we offer personal staging/styling packages to suit your needs and budget.

We use Your Furniture Staging

We may rearrange your furniture to show potential buyers the best features of your house. We also may re-purpose accessories from other parts of your house.  Starts at $300.

Add an Art rental package Starts at $300. rental/month.  Add a few key pieces of art. Rental/month….less than you might think

Vacant Home Staging

Full service staging and rental – quotes available
It’s not always necessary to stage/style every room in the house

You can stage/style with vignettes – ask us

Phone Gayle Nelson of Homes Styles Decor in N. Vancouver for info at 604 924-1916

see before & after photos

see more before & after photos WV

Before and After Staging pics of Vacant Bellevue 2011 001 Before and After Staging pics of Vacant Bellevue 2011 050
Before and After Staging pics of Vacant Bellevue 2011 003 Before and After Staging pics of Vacant Bellevue 2011 047
Before and After Staging pics of Vacant Bellevue 2011 009 Before and After Staging pics of Vacant Bellevue 2011 025
Before and After Staging pics of Vacant Bellevue 2011 014 Before and After Staging pics of Vacant Bellevue 2011 028
Before and After Staging pics of Vacant Bellevue 2011 011 Before and After Staging pics of Vacant Bellevue 2011 035
Before and After Staging pics of Vacant Bellevue 2011 013 Before and After Staging pics of Vacant Bellevue 2011 033
Before and After Staging pics of Vacant Bellevue 2011 006 Before and After Staging pics of Vacant Bellevue 2011 041
Before and After Staging pics of Vacant Bellevue 2011 004 Before and After Staging pics of Vacant Bellevue 2011 038
Before and After Staging pics of Vacant Bellevue 2011 019Click here About/Contact Gayle NelsonRead article Home Staging Tipsclick here for More Home Staging Photos
Before and After Staging pics of Vacant Bellevue 2011 030

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