Services offered by Gayle Nelson of Home Styles Decor

Decorating your home – read more

Restyling your home – read more

Home Staging

Gayle Nelson Home Styles Decor of N. VancouverIn-Home Staging Consultation

Professional Stager, Gayle Nelson will do a thorough “walk-through” (with you) of all the rooms in your home.

Gayle takes the overwhelming task of preparing a house for sale and helps simplify it for the home owner.

As a Professional Stager she will see your house with fresh eyes and offer advice.This allows you as homeowner to focus on what is most important.

She will give you a list of priorities with specific suggestions on what you can do to prepare your house for the best potential sale price.

Home Syles Decor of N. Vancouver It includes a list of your Home’s Top 10 Priorities . Consultation starts at $150.

After you have had an “In-Home Staging Consultation” and have finished cleaning up, doing repairs and any painting needed to finish the transformation of your space we offer personal staging/styling packages to suit your needs and budget.

We use Your Furniture Staging 

We may rearrange your furniture to show potential buyers the best features of your house. We also may re-purpose accessories from other parts of your house. Starts at $300.

Add an Art rental package
Starts at $300. rental / month. Add a few key pieces of furniture.  Rental / month….less than you might think

Vacant Home Staging
Full service staging and rental – quotes available
It’s not always necessary to stage/style every room in the house
You can stage/style with vignettes – ask us about this!

Gayle Nelson
Home Styles Decor
North Vancouver,BC

Phone 604 924-1916

see before & after photos

see West Vancouver condo photos

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