HOME STAGING  in home consultation  –  Professional Stager, Gayle Nelson will do a thorough “walk-through” (with you) of all the rooms in your home.

Gayle takes the overwhelming task of preparing a house for sale and helps simplify it for the home owner.

As a Professional Stager she will see your house with fresh eyes and offer advice. This allows you as homeowner to focus on what is most important.

She will give you a list of priorities with specific suggestions on what you can do to prepare your house for the best potential sale price.

Home Syles Decor of N. Vancouver It includes a list of Your Home’s Top 10 Priorities. Starts at $150.

After you have had an “In-Home Staging Consultation” and have finished cleaning up, doing repairs and any painting needed to finish the transformation of your space we offer personal staging/styling packages to suit your needs and budget.

WE USE YOUR FURNITURE STAGING  –  We may rearrange your furniture to show potential buyers the best features of your house. We also may re-purpose accessories from other parts of your house. Starts at $300.

Add an Art rental package  –  Starts at $300. rental / month. Add a few key pieces of furniture.  Rental  per month….less than you might think

VACANT HOME STAGING  –  Full service staging and rental – quotes available. It’s not always necessary to stage/style every room in the house.  You can stage/style with vignettes – ask us about this!

Gayle Nelson
Home Styles Decor
North Vancouver,BC
email:   gnelsonhomestyles@gmail.com

Phone 604 924-1916